Strength for Scuba Divers Equipment List


You can choose to work out at your gym, or completely from the comfort of your own home with access to minimal equipment. 

Phase 1 requires NO equipment, so you can start the program immediately, from anywhere. 

This program was designed to use as little equipment as possible while making the most use of the equipment that is necessary. Some pieces are required by the program design while others are optional. The program design offers versatility and modifications for different pieces of equipment whenever possible.

You do not need to have the optional pieces of equipment to participate in the program, but they may enhance your experience. 

The list below will tell you which phase each piece of equipment will be first used, so you can space out your purchases if needed. Wherever possible, purchase links will be provided to the same, or very similar, pieces of equipment your trainer uses in the instruction videos. You do not need to purchase from these manufacturers if you do not wish to, as long as you obtain the right equipment for the program. Some of the links on this list are affiliate links - this does not affect the validity of the recommendations. 

You can also use your weight belt if you have one for some of the exercises like deadlifts and hip thrusts while you gather your fitness equipment.

You want to make sure that you can handle your weight belt with the proper form and that it is safe to exercise with. Also make sure that the weight provides an appropriate amount of resistance for you. 

Below is a link to weight belts recommended by Jade Scuba Adventures. You can also contact them directly if you would like to order diving equipment. [email protected] (360) 233-6825

Required equipment: 

Monster bands, light to moderate-heavy resistance - Phase 2

  • Anchor for some banded exercises - a sturdy beam or pole, or door with the use of a door anchor. - Phase 2
  • Dumbbells, light to heavy resistance (Keep your current fitness level in mind. The goal of the program is to build up to lifting and moving weights that are near to, or match, the weight of your diving equipment by the end of Phase 6. This will be a gradual progression. You can always add heavier weights to your home equipment as you progress through the program if needed.) - Phase 2
  • Swiss balance ball - Phase 2
  • Half balance ball (BOSU or similar brand) - Phase 3
  • Kettlebell, moderate to moderate-heavy resistance (Keep your current fitness level in mind. The goal of the program is to build up to lifting and moving weights that are near to, or match, the weight of your diving equipment by the end of Phase 6. This will be a gradual progression. You can always add heavier weights to your home equipment as you progress.) - Phase 4

Optional equipment:

  • Exercise bike, rower, elliptical, or other cardio equipment for cardio workouts (Optional and can be substituted by various other exercises offered in the program. Might be a good choice if you need low impact options. There is only one cardio-based workout in each phase.) 
  • Barbell, olympic barbell with weight plates, or other weight equipment for advanced participants on Phase 5-6, or participants repeating Phases 5-6 - advanced level optional addition that is available to enhance workouts for highly-trained individuals. Not required or needed for all participants. 

Bar pad for barbells (Phase 3 if using barbells for hip thrusts)


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